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I needed this reminder lately…

April 26, 2023

I needed this reminder lately...

My job was focused on a single team with a single goal, to build a new wellness product and brand.


This was the first time in my entire career I was on one project, and one project only. I was often supporting multiple projects at the same time, like most professionals I know. I provided a single expertise across many projects.


But instead, my team of 3 people had one project. That being said, we had to do it all. We were truly a start-up, even if we were within a big company.


It was a bit intimidating… trying to figure out how to do things we’ve never done. There was a list of so many pieces to build and things to do. But we didn’t let that stop us from trying.


After just a few months, I saw that our team was making progress at a speed I’ve never seen. The single focus we shared allowed us to funnel all our efforts and energy toward this one goal, this new product.


My project ended up being canceled due to a change in company strategy… but a parallel team launched a CBD product at Walgreens in just 9 months. Normally this would take at least 3 years.

"What you stay focused on will grow."

The ability to have a single focus is a powerful discipline that advances progress with incredible speed. Why does this work?


There’s something called “switching cost” – this is the lost time it takes for your brain to switch focus. It’s much like a train needing to stop while the tracks shift to a new direction.


Having to switch between topic and project multiple times a day literally derails the momentum and energy you had built on each subject. “Now where was I…?” The energy and re-connections you have to make in your brain could have been used to continue to make even further progress if you had one focus.


You may not have a choice how many projects you are assigned to in your job (or maybe you do…?) – but focus can be brought into many more places:


– Personal development. There’s so many things you can do to further your own growth. Have you focused your efforts?


– Passion project. I’ve talked about the benefits of having a passion project, something you are driving forward without having been assigned to it. Look at your scope… is it single-minded, or are you trying to do too much?


– Your day. You may have many things going on… but have you identified ONE thing you MUST get done that day, that might not be urgent, but will really move the needle?


Choose focus.


And you will see momentum and progress.


You will see yourself reaching your goal.


“What you stay focused on will grow.”

– Roy T. Bennett
