August 24, 2022
There’s one thing that will conquer fear more than even bravery… Do you know what that is?
August 17, 2022
Leading doesn’t have to do with your title or position. And because this is true… you can lead. How? Through innovation. Here’s 3 steps to get started.
August 10, 2022
Frustration & excitement are both heightened levels of energy. However… one holds you back while the other fuels you forward. Learn how to channel even more excitement.
August 3, 2022
Unlikely amazing solutions are core to innovation. But how do you find them? The questions you ask matter… and the order in which you ask them. Here’s 3 simple ones to get you started.
July 27, 2022
You risk rejection and judgement when you share ideas. But there’s a trick that can avoid this. Here’s how…
July 20, 2022
You may feel the need to be “on” at work. This “on” mode builds your brand & image. The thing is… we’re often like a closed bud in “on” mode, only showing our best. But that’s not now ideas grow.
July 13, 2022
You’re probably doing at least one of these 9 things to prove yourself as a leader. But, they don’t work. Here’s what to do instead…
July 6, 2022
June 22, 2022
I knew I needed a new challenge – but I wasn’t ready to jump into something completely new yet. And then I realized… I knew how to try something new – with minimum personal risk.
June 17, 2022
Mindtap exists to help diverse professionals (women, minorities, introverts, LGBTQIA+, neurodiverse, anyone who feels different…) to be seen and heard as the leader you know you are, without changing who you are.