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Reverse Doubt

June 15, 2022

Can I really pull this off?


I had just started my first job at Procter & Gamble.


A month ago, I graduated with a B.S. Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Degree.


And this job… was Package Engineering.


I actually didn’t know the first thing about packaging consumer goods.


Talk about doubting myself…


How could I ever think this was a good idea?


And then I remembered…


I moved to a new country (a new continent), as a junior in high school.

I re-established my life, when I couldn’t read anything in the grocery store.

I didn’t know anything about the culture.

I can figure this out.

I can do this again.

"Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will."

If we’re sufficiently challenging ourselves and growing – it is inevitable that we will encounter doubt.


Although it’s a natural thing… it can be dangerous getting stuck in the negative spiral it can pull you in.


So it’s important to have a tool to pull you back out.


To reverse doubt…


–> Look in the rearview mirror.


What I mean is… think about a time when you’ve successfully overcome a challenge in the past.

Ask yourself…


– How did you approach the problem?

This gives you strategies to re-apply or start from.


– Which of your strengths supported you?

This reminds you of what you do well – and reminds you to use them!


– What other resources or capabilities did you use or draw from?

This help to remind you that you have more tools, people, information, systems, etc. available to help. It’s almost never just you.


This exercise helps even when the past problem isn’t related to the current challenge. Why?


It gives you ways different ways of tackling this problem that you may not have thought about before. It actually spurs innovative thinking.



“Innovation is about taking something old and making the vision your own. Taking an old concept and making it relevant.”

– Nina Ansary, Author and Historian.



You not only learn from your past… but can be inspired by your past.


How does looking in the rearview mirror crush doubt?


It builds confidence because it reminds you…


🔹You’ve tackled tough challenges before – you can do it again!

🔹You have amazing strengths – make use of them!

🔹You have access to people and things that can help – make use of them!


In fact… You are Unstoppable!



– Laura @ Mindtap



“Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will.”

– Suzy Kassem, American thinker, poet, writer, and philosopher