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Riding the Waves

July 6, 2022

“We didn’t start the fire. It was always burning, since the world’s been turning.”

Billy Joel’s song, We Didn’t Start The Fire, reminds us there are always crazy things that happen in this world… many of which can directly affect us.



Downward Economy.

Government Decisions.

Mass Shootings.


And these don’t include the workplace, like limited budgets and layoffs.


If we think too much about these external events and circumstances… we can feel like we’re in a losing battle with the world.


As Innovative Leaders, it’s important to remember… we do have power.

We can make a difference.

No matter where we are.

No matter who we are.


No, we cannot change our circumstances.


But these Waves… even if they feel bad in nature… create change.

"Every problem is an opportunity in disguise."

These waves, create opportunity.


If we sit and simply focus on the wave without moving ourselves… it can bury us.


But if we focus what we can do with the wave…

We can harness it’s force, energy and momentum.


We can ride the wave.


How can you do this?


Subscribe to the belief: I can take advantage of this tough situation.


A belief is like a table. It needs 4 legs to stand… in this case 4 pieces of evidence.


Think back… When have you done this before?


List 4 times you have taken advantage of tough situations:






That’s it. You have a new belief that supports you. And you have proof.


You can take advantage of this tough situation, today.


You’ve done it before.


I know you can.


You know you can.


Have fun – Go ride that Wave! 🌊



– Laura @ Mindtap



“Every problem is an opportunity in disguise.”

– John Adams

2nd USA President