“Mom… the tooth fairy didn’t come yet… and it’s been two days.”
Shoot. 😧😬
“Oh… is that right?” Stalling for time.
What now?
Quick assessment of options.
I could tell him the truth… but he’s my baby, and I’m not sure if I’m ready for that!
Maybe he can write the tooth fairy a note.
Oh – idea!
“You know… maybe the tooth fairy was off for the weekend – like you are from school.”
He gave a head nod.
I set an alarm for myself that night… and done!
We don’t like to talk about mistakes and failure.
It feels like stress. And panic. And frustration.
But what we don’t realize… is there’s a good side to failure.
Failure forces creativity.
"The phoenix must burn to emerge."
It literally forces us to look for other options.
Options we never considered before.
“I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” – Thomas Edison in inventing electricity.
With each fail, Thomas Edison was forced to be even more creative. To ask himself… How else could this work?
The tooth fairy was my personal fail this week.
I also had a fail for work. I set time to shoot a new video for a new audience. The time I set was not enough, and I didn’t get it done. I didn’t account for the fact that I wasn’t used to speaking to, and framing things, for this new audience.
But, I wasn’t as upset about it as I used to be, in that situation. Because, now I realize what I had assumed – that this would be easy to adapt – was not immediately true. That it is an opportunity to expand. It is a gift to push for creativity, to think from new point of view.
How did you fail this week?
What new creative things, or perspectives, did your failure force?
Let’s celebrate! 🎉
– Laura @ Mindtap
“The phoenix must burn to emerge.”
– Janet Fitch, American Author