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Don’t Keep It In

March 20, 2024

You have an idea… and you’re really excited about it! And you should be – it’s a potential solution, a way to make progress and move forward!


But maybe you’re also worried that someone might take credit for it? Maybe that’s happened to you before – or you’ve heard stories warning


you this happens.


What do you do?


This was a question from a participant who joined my Leadership Master Class last month. And it’s a really important question…


because it’s so important for you to get your ideas out there.


Your ideas show your unique leadership. They use your specific experience and perspective. That’s the unique insight you bring.


So how do you handle a situation where somebody else might take credit for your idea?


This answer might surprise you…

"I don’t care that they stole my idea... I care that they don’t have any of their own."

Actually, it’s to share your idea with lots of people, so they hear it first from you. They know it was your idea because you shared your thought


process and the origins of the idea.


Sharing your ideas is the only way to get them out of your head. To grow them. To strengthen them. To get other people excited about them.


There’s literally no other way to make your amazing ideas happen.


Let people know how you think. How you connect the dots. How you bring your experiences together to create new things.


Don’t hide these super valuable things. This is how you show your value. It’s how you give your value.


An extra tip… is also to document: *who you share it with, *when you share it, and *any other work you do against your idea. This shows your ownership.


But please don’t let the fear of someone taking your idea prevent you from sharing it.


Instead, share it with everyone you can.


“I don’t care that they stole my idea… I care that they don’t have any of their own.”

– Nikola Tesla

 Serbian-American Inventor, Electrical Engineer, Mechanical Engineer, and Futurist