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This one thing will give you Power 💪🏻

January 31, 2024

Harvard says 69% of employees don’t feel they’re living up to their potential at work.

Are you one of them?


Many external factors can be pointed to and blamed.


– My boss isn’t supporting me.


– No one listens to what I say.


– People keep talking over me.


– There’s too much on my plate.


– Too many meetings to get anything done.


– The system doesn’t work for diverse people, like me.


And while external factors are a part of the puzzle…


There’s something you can do without needing to change your work environment, your manager, or your job.


Warning: This approach requires honesty & bravery.

"Nothing will work, unless you do."

Your attitude, mindset, and focus can change everything, even if nothing around you changes.


The Accountability Ladder is a great way to demonstrate this. It shows that you can increase your power just by what you’re thinking.



Rung 5: Blame Others.


Starting at the bottom, you might blame others in a situation. And I know I’ve done this before… For example, “My boss wasn’t clear, how am I supposed to





Rung 4: Not your fault.


The next step up that ladder is when you might make excuses. Time is a big one, an easy excuse. You might say, “Well, I don’t have enough time to do that.”


But the reality is, you can make the time (lots of ways to do this!) if it’s important enough.



Rung 3: I Should. 


The next rung up is when you identify the “shoulds”. “I should do that…” You recognize the benefit. But when you’re here… you can easily talk yourself


out of it or find it easy to procrastinate.



Rung 2: I Can.


When you step up again, you start to think, “I can do this.” You recognize that you have the capability, the resourcefulness, the ability to make this happen.


Yes, you can do this!



Rung 1: I Will


The most powerful place that you can be is when you think, “I will do this!” Now you are committed.  You will find your way through, over, under, and around


any obstacle that stands in your way.



Where are you on this ladder?


More importantly… What Will You commit to?




“Nothing will work, unless you do.”

– Maya Angelou

American poet, and civil rights activist