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Make the New Year work for you.

January 3, 2024

I hope this year is a huge success filled with joy, health & success for you and your loved ones.


I’m sure you’re hoping for the same thing. And maybe this isn’t the inspiring first message of the year you were hoping for, but…


Hope isn’t a strategy.


I know. Because I honestly used to do this.


I didn’t like New Year’s Resolutions – because they never actually happened. So I would just embrace that feeling of a blank slate.


I was ready to write my next chapter.


And then waited to see what came…


Now, I think optimism is powerful.


Positivity will get you far.


But it can’t be the only tool you use.


If you want real change, real growth – you need a real strategy.

"New year — a new chapter, new verse, or just the same old story? Ultimately, we write it. The choice is ours."


Here’s a few tools that have helped me make the most of each year:



1. Be Specific


What is it that you want?


No… this is not a goal. This is an understanding of yourself.


This is a direction. This is a picture of the future.


If you could have anything… very, very specifically… what would that be?


What would you see? hear? feel? How would you know when you made it there?


The more specifics, the clearer, the more likely you’ll find yourself exactly there.



2. Create a Plan


Now this doesn’t have to be super detailed… but having some key steps will help get you moving. What is one thing that could help you get #1?


This plan can (and likely will) change as you go through the year.


But without a plan, you leave it up to chance.


Fail to plan… and plan to fail.



3. Set Up a System


What one thing can you take action against – daily or frequently?


Setting up a system that has a set cadence – already decided, will provide the consistency you need to make progress when willpower runs out.


What is it? Where is it? Who is it with? When is it?


How can you make it enjoyable, so you look forward to it?


How can you make it easy to pick up and do? And not get distracted?


What can you do to help yourself be even more committed to it?


(You can change and adapt your system too… as you go!)




I think New Year’s Resolutions try to help you grow and become a better version of yourself… but they can miss the mark.



They’re too simplistic for real change. They’re just hope.



Instead… I’m building a foundation for my hope.



I’m doing these 3 steps today… will you join me?